Wednesday, May 1, 2013

The family structure is broken and causes a cycle of violence.

Every child all around the world needs both parents involved in their lives. If one of the parents is not involved in the child's life it can affect the child. This also affects the other parent that is left alone to take full responsibility of the child. taking care of a child alone place a lot of stress on that person, it also put them under pressure, which may lead them to act violent towards the child. this behavior may allow the child to pick up the parent habits.

Children in single parent families 'worse behaved'

Children raised by single mothers are twice as likely to misbehave as those born into traditional two-parent families, according to research.

Children raised by one parent are more likely to display serious behaviour problems, according to research.
Children raised by one parent are more likely to display serious behaviour problems, according to research.

Some 12 per cent of children brought up by one parent displayed series behavioural problems by the age of seven, it was disclosed, compared with just six per cent of youngsters raised by both natural parents.
It found that family make-up, parental qualifications and household income had a major effect on children’s behavior at a young age, which could have “damaging long-term consequences”.
In a separate analysis, researchers also discovered that children with younger mothers had a “much more difficult start in life” than those with mothers over 30.
7:01AM BST 15 Oct 2010
This article shows that kids who are raised by a single parent encounter many problems, bad behavior
being of the problems they face. It also shows that kids who live with only one parent tend to have behavior problems than kids who live with both parents. Parents who are left to take care of their kids alone also encounter problems such as finicial need, stress, and many more.

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