Thursday, May 9, 2013

Men too are abused

This may seem silly to some people for whatever reasons, but it is true that females are not the only ones that are being abused but men are also being abused as well. Its not about the strength because most people will say how can a women abuse a man? It is possible, there are all forms of abuse that anybody whether a male or a female can experience. Let me the attention that most women are stronger than men but like I said its not about the strength. The reason why I brought this up is because I feel that people are not paying enough attention to the fact that men can be abused by a women and that they are only focused on the abuse of women. It is clear that most people might not agree with me but everybody is entitled to their own opinion and that's what I believe.

"Men too are victims and women too are perpetrators; neither sex has a monopoly of vice or virtue" (David Thomas, 1993) 

Domestic abuse has, in recent years, been subjected to a very restricted analysis that is based on stereotypes of what a victim looks like and what an abuser looks like. Typically, the "victim" is portrayed as female, small, timid, oppressed - and the abuser is portrayed as male, large, brutish, aggressive. But such gender stereotypes are dangerous, and leave groups of people suffering and vulnerable because they do not fit the stereotypical descriptions which dominates domestic violence literature and support organizations.

"Women can’t really do any damage anyway?"
A perpetrator of abuse can always cause harm, whether this is physical harm or psychological damage.
Research into the data of victims of domestic violence that required hospital treatment has revealed that women are capable of inflicting very serious physical damage (Goldberg, 1984). In fact, some have reported that men are likely to suffer extremely serious injuries because of the prevalence of weapons used by women (George, 1992). At the extreme end of the scale, almost a quarter of all deaths in the US that were caused as the result of domestic violence were men (NCVS, 2002). Psychological damage, as the result of domestic abuse, can also have severe implications for a person's life - and this cannot and should not be discounted. Problems with depression, anxiety, substance abuse etc. can 
 accompany domestic abuse, which can affect all aspects of life.

This article shows how men too can be abused by women and that its not just women who be abused. The quote above means that both males and females do bad things to each other and its not just men. This also shows how people assume that only women can be victims of abuse and not men because women are small, and timid and men are large, strong, and aggressive and its not right to say these things because women too can abuse their husbands. The thing is that women use weapons against their partners, they tend to throw whatever they can get in their hands and use it as an excuse saying that they were defending their self.

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