Child abuse is known all throughout the world. However, many families tend to abuse their children. There are many reasons as to why parents and caregivers abuse their kids. Parents may be under the pressure of taking care of their kids because they are either drunk, under stress, poor, or a single parent. It is understandable that when taking care of a child it comes with many responsibilities such as caring for the child's health, placing the child in school, feeding and clothing the child.
Cycle of Violence
Domestic Violence can follow a pattern known as the Cycle of Violence. This cycle of abuse consists of three phases: the tension building phase, the acute battering incident, and the affectionate, remorseful, loving honeymoon stage.
The longer this cycle continues without intervention, the more frequently the couple will cycle and the more severe the abuse will become.
The abuser exerts the Cycle of Violence and Power and Control to prevent domestic violence victims from leaving.
As you can see this article and chart explain the stages of violence occurring over and over again. It also shows how when in a relationship and people are arguing with their spouse abuse can slowly slip its way in and make things worse. When arguing with your spouse he may get angrier and might hit you more than once, this is where abuse takes its place. However after your spouse hit you or yelled at you, you tend to calm him down and reason with him saying that it wasn't his fault or you won't call the police to get him in trouble.